Relapse is the single most difficult aspect to manage when facing drug and alcohol dependency issues. The key to success is catching the relapse upfront, prior to a full relapse episode. Prelapse™ includes patent-pending technology that enables individuals struggling with alcohol and chemical dependency issues to become more aware in real-time, of the hidden dangers that lead to relapse.

Reach Out For Help
The inability to reach out for help regardless of cause cripples some of the most devoted sufferers in crisis. By collecting various personal data points throughout the recovery process, the Prelapse™ app tracks and helps identify emotional, environmental, and social triggers that lead to relapse issues. The team building Prelapse created sophisticated, complex algorithms that provide advance and ‘just in time’ warnings to individuals in imminent relapse danger.
Data and Science-Driven
Built into the Prelapse app are national statistics, alcohol and chemical dependency best practices, geospatial technology, and the ability to capture individual end-user data.
These data sets, coupled with a collection of real-time emotional cues, we have armed recovering individuals with a personalized app. The app identifies specific problematic relapse triggers based on individual data by detecting potential relapse cues and triggers prior to them becoming a full relapse episode.

Configure to the Person
The Prelapse app is completely configurable by the end-user and can be accessed via any personal device.
By collecting and processing a myriad of emotional, psychological, geographical, and social matrix, end users are in a unique position to monitor, track, and react to emotional deviations that can lead to relapse.
In addition, the app alerts multiple participants who are stakeholders in the end-users recovery process. Stakeholders are participants in the end-users recovery network. Because the app is highly configurable, various participants within the end-users recovery network can be notified based on a number of criteria, including but not limited to, the severity of relapse danger, relapse location, and their relationship to the end-user. Prelapse™ is the ideal companion for recovery support, fits perfectly, and can aid greatly in ALL alcohol and drug-related support groups!
Using Best Practices to Drive Success
Based on data collected by leading drug and alcohol centers in the U.S., the inability to accurately identify both internal and external dangers, accompanied by the inability to identify emotional deviations and lack of time to respond are among the leading issues by alcoholics and addicts.
A survey conducted by the National Council on Alcohol and Drug dependence (NCADD) concluded that most recovering individuals do not directly contact the appropriate support people when in emergency situations related to relapse.
Wouldn’t it be nice to receive contact before or even well in advance of these seemingly impossible situations especially in early recovery? The answer is a resounding yes by recovery professionals, therapists, alcoholics, and addicts.